Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sports - Paint Ball

Relieve stress by pelting friends, enemies or gossiping co-workers with colour-filled balls with Beeconomic’s Sweet Deal: $150 gets a group of 6 individual passes for admission, goggles and mask system, paint-gun rental, and 250 paintballs per person at Red Dynasty Paintball Park (worth $299.40). Paintball is a character building team sport that allows players to learn teamwork, gain self-confidence and develop leadership qualities. Decision making skills will be enhanced through deciding which friend you choose to cover in various hues.

This is the most popular package offered for assassin-artists at Red Dynasty: with 250 paintballs per person to immerse you in a fun session of shooting, hiding and capturing the flag. Red Dynasty boasts a field as big as a soccer field with 3 obstacle laden arenas equipped with inanimate shields such as inflated bunkers.

Be sure to wear loose clothing: the paint washes out, but your clothes will be peppered like a childs’ hand painting no matter how gifted a sharpshooter you may be. If you always wished the Matrix was more like a Jackson Pollock painting, 2 hours of pure fun will turn your friends into colourful casualties.

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