Saturday, July 24, 2010

Self defense, anyone?

Murder at Orchard Plaza

A security officer said he saw a group of five men slashing a 28-year-old man in the lobby before fleeing on foot. -- PHOTO: LIANHE WANBAO

A BLOODY inner city fight involving about 20 men claimed the life of a 28-year-old man on Friday morning.

The slashed body of Mr Mohamed Noraidi Zahari was found in a pool of blood at the entrance of Orchard Plaza by police officers who arrived at the scene after receiving a call at 4.15am.

He was taken unconscious to Singapore General Hospital by officers from the Singapore Civil Defence Force but was pronounced dead shortly after arriving.

The case has been classified as murder.

The police cordoned off a 10m area outside and around the shopping centre in Orchard Road for about six hours while they conducted investigations.

A fight about a petty matter is believed to have broken out between two groups of men when members of one group were having roti prata at a stall near the mall.

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